There are many forms of media that can be used to
communicate with your target audience.
Television is one of the traditional mass media forms of
communication that we enjoy in our society.
Although, the history of television is not as old as it may seem to most
considering that television only became a popular medium in the 1950’s. The television viewing audience is quite
diverse. Television programing and advertising
target different sectors of the public depending on the timing and geographical
area. Romaniuk, Beal, & Uncles, simplify
the matter by saying “Reaching consumers in the target audience with a brand
message is the key goal of media placement” (2013). Studying the history of television one must
be reminded of the very successful marketing and advertising strategies of soap
operas aptly named because of the target audience of homemakers who buy cleaning
materials for the home. Television
advertising is one of the biggest expenses that many companies encounter. We have all heard about the cost of
advertising at prime opportunities like the Super Bowl.
The media of print is certainly a diverse one and utilizes
many platforms for its delivery. Print
has been around as early as the cave drawings in prehistoric times. Dhanshri M. Patil talks about how print media has changed
and talks about how the media of print
is “…still dramatically changing” (Patil, 2011). Of course we know that the media of print is
one of the most important in conveying our ideas and information to
others. And almost every form of media
that is not visual media utilizes print.
The platforms used to deliver media have come a long way and evolved with
technology. We can now read e-books, web
pages, blogs, as well as the traditional media of newspapers, magazines,
flyers, and other written material.
There has been a big drop in most newspaper circulations and although
newspaper advertising is not as expensive as television advertising the
potential number of people that will actually encounter your advertisement is
limited to the newspaper’s circulation.
Although we may consider radio a traditional media it is
still a valid technology. Using radio to
communicate is somewhat different than pre-television era however; it is still
a source of knowledge to many. If you
consider the amount of time that we spend every day just traveling to and from
work or running errands the time we spend listening to the radio is
significant. Radio is of course a source
of entertainment for music we like but also a source of hearing the news, as
well as a legitimate advertising venue.
This leads to another form of media we all know and love
which is the wonderful internet where we can find many types of communication. There is print media, television, social
media, and a many other forms to communicate incorporated on the internet. The internet utilizes such media technologies
as social media, rich-media, search, mobile and many more. According to the US Census in 2011, 71.7% of every
household accessed the internet. Communication
on the web allows almost unlimited access to information. The best thing about this new technological
media is that it is a wonderful means of free communication! The amount of time that the population spends
online is astounding if you consider not only are we accessing the web at home
on personal computers but we are also accessing the internet at work. Lastly let’s not forget how many people
access the internet on their mobile phones.
Romaniuk, J., Beal, V., & Uncles, M. (2013). Achieving
Reach in a Multi-Media Environment How a Marketer's First Step Provides the
Direction for the Second. Journal Of Advertising Research, 53(2), 221-230.
Patil, D. M. (2011). Recent Trends of Print Media in
Development Communication. Global Media Journal: Indian Edition, 2(2), 1-20.
U.S. Census, (May, 2013) Computer and Internet Use in the
United States, Retrieved from: